Frequently Asked Questions

  • Erie DAWN is not a shelter, but rather a program, that helps low-income women secure affordable & safe transitional housing.

  • Unfortunately, Erie DAWN cannot assist with any of those issues.

    We can offer assistance in similar areas of concern to our participants, but you must be eligible and be accepted to Erie DAWN first.

  • It is always best to call our office at 814-453-5921 and speak to a case manager to find out if you are eligible, but generally participants are eligible if they are:

    • Homeless or soon-to-be homeless

    • Have earned income of at least $1300 or more a month

    • Eligible to have utilities in your name Goal-motivated

    • Willing to follow a monthly budget plan

    • 18 years of age or older

    • If you struggle with drugs, alcohol, mental health issues or have a previous criminal record there may be additional requirements

  • YES! Erie DAWN provides services to women with or without children.

  • Once eligibility is established, and acceptance is granted, Erie DAWN offers participants:

    • Case management & prevention services to help women avoid homelessness

    • Collaborations with local landlords for affordable rental rates

    • Access to placement in Erie DAWN properties which also carry affordable rental rates

    • Financial literacy & life-skills education

    • Community building & personal develop events

    • Assistance with hygiene items, household items and numerous other day-to-day needs